Moving to Deno Deploy

#deno#deno deploy#blog

Tim Kye

Deno Deploy is an edge hosting platform for Deno projects. It's got a generous free tier and just launched a Deno Kv Beta. After moving over my snow tracker I decided to try out the deno blog kit. I'm very happy with it so far, but it did require some un-documented changes in order to get what I wanted out of it.

Basic Setup

The getting started guide covers what you need for the basics.

A minimal setup looks like this

├─ posts/
│  ├─
├─ main.ts

Where your main.ts file has this minimal configuration

// See #issues below for why I am using a forked version
import blog, { ga, redirects } from ''

  title: 'T++',
  author: 'Tim Kye',
  avatar: './images/avatar.png',
  avatarClass: 'full',
  favicon: './images/favicon.ico',
  links: [
    { title: 'GitHub', url: '' },
    { title: 'Email', url: '' },

That's it. You can now deno run -A main.ts or push this to Deno Deploy. Its so tiny! This is the most minimal static-site/blog kit I've ever found, and I love it.

Markdown files in /posts will be turned into posts, and their front matter will be parsed using the (currently undocumented) options:

  • title: title of the post, rendered at the top as an <H1>
  • pathname: a url override. Without this the file name will be used for the url.
  • publish_date: Date of the post, used for sorting on the home page
  • tags: an array of string tags which will show on the post and can be used to filter the post list

Coming from Hugo all I had to do was copy my /contents directory into /posts and do some find-replace-all on the front matter tags. It took less than 5 minutes.

The big problem with this kit is the documentation. Beyond getting started there isn't any. Everything I did below I had to figure out by reading GitHub issues and source code.

Things I changed

Syntax Highlighting

Out of the gate Syntax Highlighting for fenced-code blocks works, but only for C. As this issue explains in a comment you can add additional languages by importing the proper PrismJS lexer.

import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";

This needs to go anywhere that eventually gets loaded by your blog code. I put mine in /config/highlight.ts, where I also included a custom theme for Prism.

PrismJS Theme

In order to use a custom PrismJS theme you need to include its CSS. I took a theme from prism-themes and put it in a template string which I pass to the style property of the blog function.

import { xonokai } from './config/highlight.ts'

  // .. unchanged
  style: xonokai,

You can include any other style changes you want in this same fashion.

There is an unocss option on blog(), but it takes a complete theme, not a partial override. This means if you provide anything there, you lose all the default styling. I couldn't find an export of the existing theme, so I wasn't able to extend it. Using style was the path of least resistance.

This was pretty easy, but again not documented. It uses JSX to the main.ts has to become main.tsx

import blog, {
} from ''

  // same as before
  footer: (
    <footer class="mt-20 pb-16 lt-sm:pb-8 lt-sm:mt-16">
      <a href="/" title="T++">
        T++ © {new Date().getFullYear()}


As of time of writing there are two issues with the kit.

  1. YAML does not parse correctly. This is a problem with the underlying markdown parser deno-gfm. I've opened a GitHub issue to track it.
  2. Using a pathname breaks routing with a 404, because it tries to load a file by the name of the path. I've opened a PR that fixes this, and am using this fork in my own blog in the meantime.